Arbeitsblatt: Test Unit 5


Around the clock
3. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Martin Bossard
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Unit 5: Around the clock Name: Date: Aims: You know the days of the week and the months. You know about daily routine. You know the time. 1. Fill in the gaps and put the seven days of the week in the correct order. 2. Connect the month correctly and number them. 3. Draw line from the sentences to the pictures. Im getting dressed. Im brushing my teeth. Im packing my schoolbag. Im putting on my shoes. Im running to school. Im having breakfast. 4. How we measure the time. How many seconds are in one minute? How many minutes are in one hour? How many hours are in one day? How many days are in one week? How many weeks are in one year? 5. What time is it? Draw the time. Its quarter past seven. Its eight oclock. Its quarter to evelven. Its half past twelve. Its twenty-five to four. 6. What time is it? Write the time. 19:25 Its twenty-five past seven pm. 06:10 15:15 15:40 08:05 12:55 13:50 04:35 18:45 09:20 22:30 11:00 24:00 GOOD LUCK!