Arbeitsblatt: present contiuous, grammar


Zeigt die Anwendung, den Aufbau und die Signalwörter der grammatikalischen Zeit "present contiuous".
Antike Sprachen
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Sibylle Süess
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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present continuous Positive Aufbau: Person (ing Form) You He/She/It We You They Hilfsverb (to be) am are is are are are Hauptverb having watching eating dancing writing playing dinner. TV. pizza. tango. letter. football. Negative Aufbau:Person Hauptverb( ing You He/She/It We You They neg. Hilfsverb (to be) Form) am not m not are not/ arent is not/ isnt are not/ arent are not/ arent are not/ arent reading. climbing. diving. writing. running. going. Questions Aufbau: (Fragewort) Hilfsverb (to be) Person Hauptverb( ing Form) (Where) am running? Are you having tea? (What) is he/she/it eating? Are we going home? are you doing athletics? (Who) are they visiting(besuchen) Short answers Aufbau: Person (neg.) Hilfsverb to be) Yes, you are. Yes, am. Yes, he/she/it is. No, you No, No, he/she/it arent am not. isnt. Anwendung: Aktion im Moment. MERKE: at the moment right now, now, Turn down the radio! am doing my homework. (Befehl)