Arbeitsblatt: Englisch


9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Camila Sakalli
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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Its the name of continent. person who lives in Australia is called Its an Australian bird which cant fly. It runs well. Its an Australian animal which climbs trees. Australia Australian emu koala bear Its big city in Australia but its not the capital. This is the capital of Australia. In Sydney, you can go shopping in these big shops: The hot and dry land in Australia is called b Sydney Canberra Many kids in Australia learn by radio at home. The doctors come They were the to the people in first people in the bush by Australia. plane. These people came to Australia and took land there. School of the Air Flying Doctor Service Aborigines the whites The bush in Australia is also called Aborigines eat them raw or cooked. You can do this when you live in Sydney. The sun in Australia is very outback witchetty grubs go to the beach dangerous farmer who has got many sheep lives here. Why can Aborigines survive in the outback? Because they know where to find something to eat or drink. This Australian animal can jump well. You must wear this on the beach in Australia kangaroo sun cream and hat sheep station department stores bush