Arbeitsblatt: New World 4 Unit 2 Leseverstehen


Leseverstehen passend zum Thema Multikulturalität im Unit 2 des New Worlds 4
8. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Laura Flükiger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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New World 4 Unit 2 «Mixie you, mixie me – LESEVERSTEHEN Du liest einen Text über die multikulturellsten Städte der Welt. Beantworte danach einige Verständnisfragen auf Deutsch. Lernziel Ich kann aus mehreren Antworten die richtige bestimmen (Fragen 1-4) Ich kann einzelne Sachinformationen aus einem Text sinngemäss wiedergeben (Fragen 5-8) Ich kann Vokabular sinngemäss übersetzen (Fragen 9-12) e. YOUVE GOT THIS t.e. n.e. The Most Multicultural Cities in the World From London to New York and São Paulo to Singapore, some cities manage to fit the entire world within them. Successive waves of immigrants have all brought with them piece of their old homes and made mark on their new, creating diverse cultural environments full of incredible restaurants, festivals and art scenes. Below, Culture Trip looks at some of the most multicultural cities in the world. Amsterdam Known as welcoming place for immigrants and asylum seekers, Amsterdam, which is the largest city in the Netherlands, proudly hosts diverse population. With approximately 178 different cultural backgrounds, the countrys capital is lively blend of friendly people from all over the world. This cosmopolitan city also has host of multilingual people, and for those new residents who cannot speak Dutch, the city offers many language classes ‘mostly free of charge to help them. Amsterdam also hosts many cultural events throughout the year, which emphasizes their worldly view, including the DRONGO Festival, celebration for multilingualism. London As the largest city in the UK, London is home to one of the most ethnically diverse populations in the world. From India to Jamaica to Ghana and many more countries, the world is truly represented in this vibrant area. Approximately one-third of Londoners are foreign-born, and even though the official language is English, the lively streets are brimming with global languages – well over 200 languages are spoken. While many people have chosen London as their new home, they still have love for their culture and share it in many ways, including delicious food and festivals such as the Notting Hill Carnival. Los Angeles Located in Southern California, Los Angeles is one of the most multicultural cities in the world, with people from approximately 140 different countries, speaking roughly 86 different languages. With immigrant-friendly laws, it is popular place for those seeking new life in the US. The city also has the distinction of being place without majority population, creating truly vibrant cultural scene. Los Angeles is overflowing with cultural neighborhoods, such as Koreatown, Little Tokyo, and Boyle Heights, an area popular with the Latino community. Paris While immigration is hot topic in France, as it is in many countries, there is no doubt that Paris has diverse group of global cultures. Although it is difficult to determine an exact number of foreigners living in Paris as Frances laws forbids asking about ethnicity on censuses, independent surveys put the percentage anywhere between 14% to 20%, with the majority of immigrants coming from outside the EU. Visitors will find many dynamic neighborhoods in Paris. For example, the Quartier Chinois (Chinatown) in the 13th arrondissement is lively community of several Asian cultures while the eclectic Belleville (10th, 11th, 19th, and 20th arrondissements) is multicultural beauty made up of African, Jewish and Asian ethnicities. New York City One of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, New York is an exhilarating metropolis located on the East Coast of the US. Made up of five boroughs, Queens is the most diverse, with people from India, Korea, and Brazil to name but few countries. It was reported in 2017 that there were more languages spoken in the borough of Queens than anywhere else in the world. In 1984, immigration-friendly New York established the Mayors Office of Immigrant Affairs, which has set up number of programmes to help those who have moved to the city from abroad. San Francisco Another hub of Californian multiculturalism, San Francisco is smaller than many of the other cities mentioned thus far, but just as cosmopolitan. Many immigrants call this 49square-mile city home, with the largest group originating from China. Others come from places such as Germany, Italy, Mexico and India. The city is dotted with vibrant neighborhoods, including Chinatown, the Mission District, and North Beach and is also known for celebrating its multicultural roots through various festivals and events throughout the year. Highlights include the Chinese New Year Festival and Parade, which has been named at one of the top ten parades in the world, and the Ethnic Dance Festival, celebration of the diverse Bay-area communities through dance. São Paulo Located in southeastern Brazil, São Paulo – commonly known as Sampa to locals – is one of the most multicultural cities, if not the most, in South America. While immigration may not be as prevalent as it was in years past, the citys varied population is largely due to the multitude of African slaves brought to the country between the mid-16th century and 1866 and, latterly, to the waves of immigration from around the globe which began in the 1870s. From Italy to Lebanon, many countries are now represented throughout the largest city in Brazil and this is evidenced in the citys culinary scene, religious landscape and neighborhoods. Visitors can wander Bela Vista, also known as Bixiga or Bexiga, to experience Italy in São Paulo, or Liberdade, which is the Japanese quarter. Singapore Singapore is unique multicultural location. Not only is it city-state, but its also very young in comparison to other places on the list, having only gained independence in 1965. This tiny island nation is proud of the diverse cultures and religions that exist together. While the majority of its residents are of Chinese origin, other ethnic groups include Malays, Indians, and Eurasians. smaller minority is made up of people from the United States and Canada. In an effort to ensure communication remains relatively smooth, Singapore also boasts four official language: English, Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil. Quelle: [Stand 10.10.2022, abgeändert] Kreuze bei Frage 1-4 die jeweils richtige(n) Antwort(en) an: 1. Was bringen Einwanderer gemäss Text in ihre neuen Heimatstädte? Krankheiten Essen Kultur Bevölkerungswachstum 2. Was ist ein brisantes Thema? Die Einwanderung nach Frankreich Ein neues Leben in Los Angeles Die Vielzahl an Sklaven, die nach Sao Paulo verschleppt wurden 3. Folgende Stadt ist dafür bekannt, dass sie keine Bevölkerungsmehrheit hat: Amsterdam Los Angeles Sao Paulo Singapore 4. Ein Drittel der Bevölkerung in . ist im Ausland geboren. Amsterdam New York Paris London Beantworte folgende Fragen auf Deutsch: 5. Was zelebriert das DRONGO Fest in Amsterdam? 6. Was wurde 1984 in New York eröffnet? 7. Warum ist Sao Paulo so multikulturell? 8. Welche Bevölkerungsgruppen finden sich in Belleville? Übersetze die Begrifflichkeiten der Fragen 9-12 sinngemäss: 9. Some cities manage to fit the entire world within them 10. lively blend of friendly people 11. independent surveys 12. exhilarating metropolis