Arbeitsblatt: Theorieblatt reflexive pronouns


Das ist ein Theorieblatt zu den reflexive pronouns. Es ist für eine Realklasse gestaltet, kann aber auch in anderen Stufen eingesetzt werden.
9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Erlinda Shabani
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Reflexive pronouns you (singular) he she it we you (plural) they myself yourself see myself in the mirror. You can do it yourself. He baked cake himself. Did she do it herself? The robot can repair itself. We can fix dinner ourselves. You are too young to go out by yourselves. themselves They organized the party themselves. himself herself itself ourselves yourselves Use of reflexive pronouns (1) We use reflexive pronouns when the subject and object in sentence are the same. Example: The cat cleaned the cat. The cat cleaned itself. (2) We use reflexive pronouns when person or persons are performing an action on themselves. Example: Karen hurt herself on the playground. We will clean the room ourselves. (3) We use by reflexive pronouns to mean alone. Example: He usually goes on holiday by himself. Do you enjoy being by yourself? Difference to reciprocal pronouns (1) Theyre buying themselves new television. Sie kaufen sich einen neuen Fernseher. (2) Theyre buying each other new television. Sie kaufen sich gegenseitig einen neuen Fernseher.