Arbeitsblatt: open world 2 unit 1 wordlist


wordlist unit 1 open world 2
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




angela weibel
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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date: name:_ Open world 2 – unit 1- dreams of flying wordlist – test 1 level challenge crashed engineer passion spontaneous engines pioneers feathers announcement competition aircraft passengers flew melts prediction got excited passionate wing all-rounder successful airport wax your flight of being pilot 1) The first aeroplane (flog) in 1903. 2) We live quite near an (Flughafen). 3) The (Ankündigung) said our flight goes from gate 22. 4) Cycling from Bern to Paris is real_ (Herausforderung). 5) How was your Ihr, dein Flug)? 6) How many (Passagiere) were on that ship? 7) In American history, (Pioniere) moved to unknown places. 8) You can use the future with will for (Vorhersage) in English. 9) often make (spontane) decisions. 10) When go by plane, like to sit near the (Flügel). 11) The worlds biggest (Luftfahrzeug) can carry up to 250 tonnes. 12) He knows bit of everything – hes real (Alleskönner). 13) have never won prize in (Wettbewerb). 14) The plane (stürzte) minutes after take-off. 15) This aircraft is huge: it has six (Motoren)! 16) My father is an (Ingenieur) and want to be one too. 17) Some birds have amazingly colourful (Federn). 18) They (wurden aufgeregt) when they arrived at the airport. 19) Please eat your ice cream now before it (schmilzt). 20) Music is my biggest (Leidenschaft). 21) My uncle is (leidenschaftlich) about country music. 22) Many kids dream (ein Pilot zu sein). 23) His grandfather had (erfolgreiche) career in banking. 24) Candles are made of (Wachs) of 24 points mark: date: name:_ Open world 2 – unit 1- dreams of flying wordlist – test 2 level depar cancel bagg search terms be late t-off thr_ economy class up . latest s gate . pass during search engines calculate mea b class throw boarding time re check-in desk on behalf of proceed airline pl m_ 1. Its an (Fluggesellschaft) with good reputation. 2. We had to wait for half an hour to get our (Gepäck). 3. Swiss trains, too, can (verspätet sein). 4. Look! Youve dropped your (Bordkarte). 5. (Einsteigezeit) is in an hour, so lets have coffee, all right? 6. My uncle always flies () – he must be rich. 7. The singer had to (absagen) some shows because she was ill. 8. We get our (Bordkarte) at the (Abflugschalter), think. 9. Our (Abflug) was delayed by an hour. 10.Its bad manners to call someone on the telephone (während) meal. 11.The seats are quite small in (Touristenklasse), arent they? 12.Please proceed to (Abfluggate) 27 immediately. 13.Is this the(neuste) model? It looks great! 14.Hurry up! We mustnt (verpassen) that bus! 15._(Im Namen von) the entire crew, the pilot welcomed us. 16.We wish you (angenehmen) flight. 17.They said we should (weitergehen) to gate 27 immediately. 18.I was bit nervous before (Abflug), but all went well. 19.All the (neuen Informationen) about the flights are also available online. 20.Did you (berechnen) how many hours it takes to fly to Sydney? 21.(Miss) things carefully so the experiment works. 22.The did good job at the match. 23.Did you watch the match? Whats the final(Punktestand)? 24._ (Suchmaschinen) are helpful if youre looking for information on the internet. 25.You get great results if you use good (Suchbegriffe). 26. the ball as far as you can. 27.She won the competition with her last (Wurf).of 26 points mark: