Arbeitsblatt: This, That, These & Those


Grammatikprüfung zu den Demonstrativpronomen
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Achsika Srimurugathasan
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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B22c Englisch Name: Englischprüfung Grammatik This, That, These Those Aufgabe 1 Unterstreiche das richtige Demonstrativpronomen. 1. Can you see (that these this those) person on that hill (auf dem Hügel)? 2. What is (that these this those) The material feels strange (komisch). 3. Did you see (that these this those) funny penguin at the zoo last Saturday? 4. All (that these this those) people here are waiting for the bus to Solothurn. 5. Remember our time at university? – Yes, (that these this those) days were great! 6. Could you give me (that these this those) bottle of water, please? 7. Have look at (that these this those) newspaper article here. 8. John, (that these this those) is my sister Julie. – Hi Julie, nice to meet you. 9. Gary, take (that these this those) keys here and lock the front door, please. 10.Look there, (that these this those) is my teacher on the bus. Aufgabe 2 Write in the gap this, that, these or those. Schreibe in die Lücke this, that, these or those. Aufgabe 3 Schreibe in die Lücke das richtige Demonstrativpronomen. 1. Shall wear this shirt or one? 2. Can have look at trousers (Hosen)? 3. Lets go to new club in the centre. 4. Look at ring over here. 5. Well have to do some work now; isnt holiday, you know. 6. cake you made last week was delicious. 7. Hi Stuart, is my friend Sylvie. 8. posters you gave me look great on my wall. 9. Im going to take back shoes bought last week 10. Look at newspaper here. 11. are my grandparents, and people over there are my friend grandparents. 12. building over there is the Chrysler Building. 13. is my mobile phone and is your mobile phone on the shelf over there. 14. photos here are much better than photos on the book. 15. Are your pencils here?