Arbeitsblatt: A town like mine


Arbeitsblatt zu den Jobs
4. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Laura Schupp
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

policeman nurse electrician teacher hairdresser fire fighter detective doctor astronaut reporter People working jobs Verbinde die Satzteile. The waitress/ waiter helps you find book. The shop assistent bakes cakes. The librarian sells things in the shop. The baker teaches children. The teacher serves you food and drinks. The hairdresser helps sick people get better. The doctor puts out fires. The fire fighter cuts peoples hair. Schreibe 3 Sätze von oben. Beispiel: The teacher teaches children. People working jobs Verbinde die Satzteile und schreibe sie unten auf. The waitress/ waiter works at the supermarket. The shop assistent works at the library. The librarian works at the bakery. The baker works at the fire station. The teacher works at the school The firefighter works at the restaurant. The police officer works at the hospital. The doctor works at the police station. Schreibe 3 Sätze von oben. Beispiel: The teacher works at the school.