Arbeitsblatt: New World 1 Unit 2 Sportposter


Wortschatz für das Sportposter z.B Satzanfänge
5. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Fabienne Parapluie

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

NW1 Unit 2 Vocaburary «Sports Poster» About the sport is old and popular sport. is new and popular sport. is dangerous sport. is an unused sport. comes from England Switzerland France Italy USA To play . you need . To do this sport you need For this sport you need the following equipment This This This This This This sport is played in teams. This sport is an individual sport. There are different competition disciplines. For example: This sport is Olympic. This sport is not Olympic. Adults and children can do this sport. Just adults can do this sport. sport sport sport sport sport can only be done in summer in winter. can be played all the year long. is played indoor outdoor requires special track. can be practiced anywhere About the athlete very famous athlete is He/ She is from He/ She is years old. He lives in . He/ She is (tall, agile, heavy, fast, ) He She has arms legs body His Her nickname is He She won .