Arbeitsblatt: EiM English in Mind


Past Simple Test
7. Schuljahr
5 Seiten




Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs (become – win) Part 1 Name: Date: werden/ devenir sinken/ couler sehen voir schwimmen nager rennen courir singen chanter schiessen tirer kommen arriver wählen/ choisir sitzen sassoir trinken/ boire sprechen/parler beginnen/ commencer tragen porter brechen/ casser wecken reveiller geben/ donner Points: Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs (become – win) Part 1 Name: Date: 12.03.24 Points: 26 1. Unregelmässige Verben im Past Simple /4P a) Schreibe das Past Simple der folgenden unregelmässigen Verben auf. Infinitiv Past Simple werden/ devenir: geben/ donner: Infinitiv Past Simple trinken/ boire: sprechen/ parler: b) Finde für jeden Satz das passende Verb und setze es ins Past Simple /8P Achtung: Du brauchst nicht alle Verben. wählen/ choisir singen/ chanter rennen/ courir sinken/ couler schiessen/ tirer fahren/ «conduire/faire du» brechen/ casser kommen/ venir sehen/ voir wecken/réveiller beginnen/ commencer There was no bus service so Carl his bike yesterday morning. Bobbys boat was broken and so it onto the Lakes ground. Frankie up very late this morning. Jonathan to eat an ice cream instead of cake for dessert. The show at 21.00 oclock yesterday evening. There was crime in the neighborhood and the police the suspect. Grace really fast so that she could catch the bus. Who that window? 2. Fragen, Verneinungen oder Bestätigung /3P Ordne die Wörter. Formuliere entweder eine Frage (?), eine Verneinung (-) oder eine Bestätigung () im Past Simple. Setze das Verb ins Past Simple oder benutze ein Hilfsverb. a) (?) nice he evening yesterday his girlfriend write letter to ? b) (-) under outside tree sit Miranda a . c) () wear his brothers for Miro wedding nice suit . 3. Lückentext Past Simple: Regular and irregular verbs /11P Ergänze die Lücken mit den passenden Verben im Past Simple. sitzen/ sasseoir schwimmen/ nager kommen/ venir beginnen/ commencer sehen/ voir entscheiden/ decider (2x) gewinnen/ gagner enjoy singen/ changer fahren/ conduire Yesterday, home after long day at work and took relaxing bath. While had my shower, my favorite songs. Suddenly, the phone rang. It was my friend, who had just tickets to concert. Excitedly, we to go there together. As we arrived at the concert hall, we quickly down at our seats and the show. We had good view on the band and all the details of their costumes. After the concert, we to go for late-night swim at nearby lake. The water was refreshing, and we under the moonlight. Eventually, we back home in my friends car. It was day filled with music, joy, and spontaneous adventures—a day that with simple decision to come home and ended with the thrill of winning tickets and enjoying magical evening. Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs (become – win) Part 1 Name: Points: Date: 26 4. Unregelmässige Verben im Past Simple /4P c) Schreibe das Past Simple der folgenden unregelmässigen Verben auf. Infinitiv Past Simple werden/ devenir: geben/ donner: Infinitiv Past Simple trinken/ boire: sprechen/ parler: d) Finde für jeden Satz das passende Verb und setze es ins Past Simple /8P Achtung: Du brauchst nicht alle Verben. chose break ride wake run shot sink begin There was no bus service so Carl his bike yesterday morning. Bobbys boat was broken and so it onto the Lakes ground. Frankie up very late this morning. Jonathan to eat an ice cream instead of cake for dessert. The show at 21.00 oclock yesterday evening. There was crime in the neighborhood and the police the suspect. Grace really fast so that she could catch the bus. Who that window? 5. Fragen, Verneinungen oder Bestätigung /3P Ordne die Wörter. Formuliere entweder eine Frage (?), eine Verneinung (-) oder eine Bestätigung () im Past Simple. Setze das Verb ins Past Simple oder benutze ein Hilfsverb. d) (?) write evening nice letter to his girlfriend yesterday he ? e) (-) outside sit under Miranda tree. . f) () wear his brothers wedding nice suit Miro for . 6. Lückentext Past Simple: Regular and irregular verbs /11P Ergänze die Lücken mit den passenden Verben im Past Simple. begin (2x) sing come drive swim win enjoy sit decide see Yesterday, home after long day at work and took relaxing bath. While had my shower, my favorite songs. Suddenly, the phone rang. It was my friend, who had just tickets to concert. Excitedly, we to go there together. As we arrived at the concert hall, we quickly down at our seats and the show. We had good view on the band and all the details of their costumes. After the concert, we to go for late-night swim at nearby lake. The water was refreshing, and we under the moonlight. Eventually, we back home in my friends car. It was day filled with music, joy, and spontaneous adventures—a day that with simple decision to come home and ended with the thrill of winning tickets and enjoying magical evening.